I have to renew my cbt again on friday and its the last time as far as i,m concerned as i want to do the 33bhp course and get an A2 license would anyone recommend doing it on the dtr or would i be better off using their ybr 125 which is moe comfortable.
If your old enough to do your DAS, do that. The only difference is the size of the bike you do the test on. If you are going to do the restricted licence then I would do it on the DT if you are more used to riding it. Have you got good enough tyres for the emergency stop though without locking up, thats what i always had a problem with.
cheap enough m8 hardest bit of doing my test on dt was hearing the the test instructor on the day ,,, i think it would have worked out £60 more expensive to do the unrestricted using the bikes, not taking in to account the fuel i used up on the dt aswell