In the certificate i got for it it says that it only have 37 bhp, is it possible that a bike like this is restricted ? It doesnt feel restricted.. Just feels like the carb settings are a bit off
The manual says to use engine oil 10w-40 at temperatures down to -10 celcius, and up to 40+ celcius. The shop sold me a 5w-40. Maybe i should go back with the oil and ask him for some 10w40 instead. I dont want to ruin my engine driving on too thin oil...
I'd stay with the thinner 5w oil as it will heat up faster and is better for the cold, these manuals arent specific for your country and as far as i can tell you get very cold winters, so the thinner oil will be better!
Yeah but i wont be driving when there temperatures are colder than -10 degrees, But i asked my dad about it, My concern was that it would be too thin when summer arrives, But my dad told me that the 40 means how well it handles heat, And the 5 is the cold, Or something like that xD. So im staying with the 5w-40. I emptied the engine for oil now. And im checking the manual now to find out how much im gonna refill ^^ Changed the oil filter too. For my first time. Im a happy lad in the garage fixing with my first 4 stroke bike :D
A pic of the bike, With the YZF 2013 mod front fender
Ive decided to get the other plastics new too, Gonna order all of them new so they will arrive proboably around christmas, And im also gonna be buying a YZF 426 2002 mod rear fender, because i think it would look so much better without that rear light.
Locked up for the night. Happy with todays work, I changed the front fender, I changed the wire for the Kilometer gauge, But it turned out it was the sprocket in the front there which was completely worn, so have to order a new one there, And i changed the oil and oil filtre. The old oil was pitch black and didnt look good at all compared to the new oil i put in it.
letting the air filtre hang dry after cleaning it, Gonna lube it up with some proper filtre oil tomorrow. That in addition to the new oil has got to make a difference on the bike. I cant wait to try it out :D
This guy ties the AP link together to fix the bog, proboably the same bog i have, I dont see what tieing it together does to be honest. But ive seen others do something similar on similar carbs.. Ill find out what it does, ill proboably be disassembling my carb again tomorrow.
I kinda love fixing stuff on this bike. i sent a question to the norwegian guys who has everything to do with registration of bikes and such, And asked them how much it would cost to get a WR 426 registered on white plates, Either as a heavy motorcycle or a medium motorcycle. Would be fun to have it road legal.
Im taking a shower now, then im off to the garage to dip the filtre in oil and take a look at the carb to find out what tieing that link together does :)
Theres a pic, the filtre with new and proper oil inside the filtre house, and the old one outside, doesnt look like the old one ever had oil..
Also i checked that the oil flow troughout the engine was fine, and let it idle 3 mins before checking the oil level like the book says, and even tough i filled 1,5 litres it turned out a bit short. So i filled another 1dl into it, and gonna let that seep into the engine before trying to idle it for 3 more minutes before checking the oil again,
A bit too much is better than a bit too little here right ?
Filled some more oil into it , this is what i call pretty perfect amount of oil !:D
And took it for a brap, and it certainly did the trick !, the bog is almost completely gone, it wheelies on low rpm in 5th gear like it did in 4th gear earlier. While riding the bog is pretty unoticable, but if i hold the clutch and pull the throttle all open it takes about 0,5 secs before anything happends. But i reckon i can fix that with adjusting either the timing of the ap, or the leak jet on the boysen quickshot, or the fuel mixture screw, when i find it xD i forgot to look for it today lol xD
Yeah ! :D i asked someone to photoshop the rear fender white, so i get to see how thats gonna look like, im thinking to get some yamaha stickers for it, and some new stickers for the tank and radiator wings. Maybe some rockstar stickers too but im not shure how they will look on a blue bike, and i dont wanna do s overkill if you know what i mean, ill proboably just get some new tank and radiator wing stickers, and some yamaha stickers and put on the 2 boysen stickers wich followed the boysen quickshot 3 :)
Lol like wtf, has my iphone gone mad ?. The seccond pic of this 2 air filtres was supposed to be a picture of the oil level gauge. And this third photo was supposed to be of the photoshopped white rear fender xD