So the rims have arrived, trying to figure out what tires to use. 140 or 150 rear wheel ? And 110 or 120front ?? Whats most common on supermoto race bikes ? Anyone know ??. If the tires are too wide then the bike gets harder to handle, dont want that. But wide tires look better. Anyone know what they use on supermoto race bikes ??
Nath, not really, because earlier i had to shift gear all the time. With the 40 sprocket im able to use each gear alot better on roads, so i dont think it lowered my acceleration at all, if i went for a bigger front sprocket also it proboably would lower the acceleration tough.
Yes it is. Your right. But since the standard gearing made 1-2-3 useless on the road i am able to use each gear alot better with the 40 sprocket.
When i pull it to high rpm in one gear and shift, the rpm now drops alot. So im able to use the torque alot better, earlier i would go to high rpm and shift and the rpm would still be high !
Hmm. Im sure that if my acceleration changed at all it was for the better, lost so much time changing gears all the time earlier. Dont you have to change gears all the time when its like that ? No wonder you have to change pistons so often lol. Your engine is proboably running at high rpm all the time ? XD
I got the wheels in the living room, but the connectors to mount the brakes and sprocket to the wheel is lost, im suspecting my mom found them laying around, didnt know what it was and threw it or just put it somewhere she doesnt remember. Ofcourse she denies this, but she always does. The only place anything is safe in this house is on top of the fridge, where she cant reach !
I found the carriers xD. I also have tires, but no rim band. Ill need to get it all together later. I wont put the wheels on untill the weather is better anyways