Ok i know this isnt DT related but i need help. Had PJME resleeve a cr80 barrel after they told me the exhaust bridge was cracked when it got rebored, so paid the £135 for that. Fitted the barrel and piston thinking all would be fine, as i sent a piston to them so it could be bored out to the right size and tolerances ect
If i put the piston into the barrel without the piston ring fitted, the piston is free moving as i would expect, tolerances seem correct
however if i put the piston ring on and put the piston in the barrel, it takes some considerable force to move the piston up and down the barrel, which really doesnt seem right to me. If i fit the piston and barrel to the engine, i cant turn it over by hand, need to crank it with a spanner which it turns over fine just some effort is required.
ive emailed them but its sunday tomorrow so i wont get a reply til monday so what do you all think? i dont want to run the engine and seize it, has cost me waay more than i wanted already