I would try heating it up it may help to free it. I have never had to free a seized air screw before I don`t think there is any real process to drilling the screw out other than taking great care and make sure you drill straight and make sure you dont drill too far into the carb otherwise you will knacker it completely
-- Edited by Ralzy on Sunday 3rd of February 2013 02:39:13 PM
Decided to clean and sort out my carb.?..noticed that the air screw is worn and unable to unscrew out of the body. Tried wd40 to no effect. ?.need some help. ?... is this a garage job to remove it as I can't see me getting it out.
Well bsng goes my idea of starting engine this week. Not even dure I got drill bit small enough? Last thing I need is to fcuk it right up. I have a dremel with some attachments, will thst do? What is the process gor drilling out a bolt/screw?
If it was running ok before you cleaned the carb, I'd be inclined to bang it back on, if theres no need to adjust the screw that is, maybe the throttle screw mind, and wait till you see a cheapo replacement carb on Ebay, they can be pigs to get out.
Well engine been rebuilt and no idea on running state before. So insure if contributed to Poor running before? Might take to a garage to sort. Don't fancy my chances lol
I have in the past used a dremil with a small drill bit in to cut the screw top grouve deeper so you can get a screw driver in and wilst trying to turn hard and slow tap the top of screw driver with a hammer also as some one says heat it up to help it free up a little ...
also possible if you have a very thing screw driver to tap a small notch some where round the endge of the screw at a angle and try tap turning the screw out with a small hammer ..
also as it is brass ? drill a fine hole in the centre to maybe wind a slef tapping screw in the it and try free it up that way ?
no matter what all ways have a chance of breaking the screw and drilling it all out maybe needed ..
although i did get it to turn approx 2 turns out..i believe it was firmly screwed all the way in?? what significance does the air screw having on running the engine?? might just leave it as it is? at what point do i need to adjust the screw?