difficult to say if system isnt drained then when removing the barrel it can leak into the bottom end unless you have a really bad failed head gasket but then you bike would of been difficult to start due to the water and fuel mixture
It's quite possible it went in when you removed to end in the bottom front of the barrel the water runs right to the bottom of the barrel and into the case a little, any prob on starting before hand?
Head and base gasket, any signs of leakage from head? If not check base , if you look at the base gasket ill see a hole make sure it's got a good seal round ther water get down ther
im not to worried now as the head and barrel have both gone off to be completely overhauled cant wait ,are you knew jim? where you from mate thanks for speedy reply
Nah I've been a member for a few years just not realy comments on much, then forgot my login so haven't been on for year or so.lol I'm from Norwich , how about you?
i know its an old topic but i too have just had the same problem (base gasket colossal fail) any tips and tricks of getting the water COMPLETELY out ive been using a a scooshy thing off of a spray bottle to suck it out from the base but im not too sure if i got it all :/
bike was left sitting for 2-3 weeks in this state whilst i was away on holiday piston was pretty well rusted in the barrel in chance of damage to the crank ? safe to rebuild after top end re-con?
just want some other opinions before i rebuild .....again
remember changing the wheels on a bmx or mtb ? flip the thing upside down may take two of ya then lift the back end up and prop it on a box or crate till its at the right upside down angle should do the trick . having a compressor to hand is great blow out any droplets .