looked at the bike outside of the shed today , below the bottom yoke the chrome has flecked off ,The finish on them is absolutley piss poor reminds me of skeggy arcade machine jewellery lmao , don't suppose anyone would know if xt125sm stanchions would be a straight fit xt's are like dog shi* and are everywhere whereas dt125x bits esp owt to do with the front end are like rocking horse shi*, i cnt be arse with modding the stem for usd i just want it to look like stock? can anyone help ????
on the tarozzi website it says that the dtr/re stanchions are shorter by about 30mm in length, would that cause any issues? surely id of thought it wlda been the opposite way round ie dtx =shorter stanchions dtr/re= longer stanchions ???? im gettinghg the bike upto my flat tomorrow so gonna be putting in some serious hours on it