One thing though, when you've got the head and barrel off put something around the conrod like a rag so you don't drop the circlip into the sump (bugger to get out!)
well i should have done mine ages ago, i bought the bike and was told it had a top end rebuild and then stood for 3 years, as i havent got it running right i thought i had better look. the barrells not bad but the piston is scored, cant see any numbers on it tho, there might be 00 on the top cant really make it out, oil was being pumped up past the piston so a rebore is necessary. but easy job with it in the frame
If you dont push the boandaries,tou will never know where they trully are
Which is normally fitted on a tzr belgarda (something like that) i think the 4dl's are to...(also tzr) I could be wrong though =]
Any bike mechanic with half a brain should know the difference between a nickle and standard bore. Just go to your local dealers and ask for a second opinion.
4fu is nickasil plated on the tdr/dt and the tzr 4dlsp the 4dl also uses the 3mb00 which is steel lined and can be rebored. I know i have all them in my shed lol
Cheers for the info............. got the mot booked for the morning, so I have adjusted the chain and checked all the lights....... front seems a bit tight, but thats more than likely cos its stood for a year. I did try to get the disc cover off but couldnt undo th two screws!!! Damn the person who put that on last!!!
All being good, it will pass that and then ill order the bits to do my rebuild!! Yayyyyyyy!!!
4fu is nickasil plated on the tdr/dt and the tzr 4dlsp the 4dl also uses the 3mb00 which is steel lined and can be rebored. I know i have all them in my shed lol
Jas, a little in you can please mate.....i've got a 4fu00 cylinder and 3bn03 crank/gearbox. Should this be plated and at the standard 56.40 bore or should i be able to visualy see the plating?
il have a look at mine in the morning but if compresion is down chances are you just need new rings the bore will be fine m8 unless of course its slightly seized lol. here is my 4fu cylider that i seized paste in browser for big pic m8
the crank will have a small amount of side to side play but zero push and pull play. whislt yo uhave it apart are you gonna change the pison and rings?
Hows it going, have you finished? How long did it take you from start to finish? How much did all the parts cost? Did you use yamaha parts? loads of questions I know but I think mine needs doing.
EPW do a top end rebuild is dead easy m8, dont buy yammy parts though crap and expensive. i can do a topend rebuild in about 2hrs with it in the frame that inc a PV clean. If you plan to do yours take pics as you strip the engine that way if you forget which bit where you have the picture as reference....thats what i do when i strip somthing new......
Stip down and rebuild was a doddle. bout an hour each way. Found that it was 1mm over sized (bout 40thou)..... yamaha dont do rings for o/s pistons so they were pattern parts. all the rest were yamaha genuine and all in came to £54 from my local bike shop.....
Still got the damn rattle tho. it appears that the con rod is worn where the small end bearing sits.... hmmmm engine out job now and new rod and mains me thinks.
Also its started not dropping the revs for a while after accelerating so i think the air filter needs doing!! Is it ever ending?? lol
stripped and cleaned the carb just now so i know it not that!! :0)