Hi, At some point we've all owned are first DT125 and guys and gals I'm pleased to say that time for me has now arrived. Born into my life last month, weighing a * lot* was my first baby my 2003 DTR125. With all new owners I've gotten used to the ride the handling and now I want to have a nosey around to find out what improvements can be made....
So I start browsing the web and have found a million different people saying a million different things, I have concluded that; with my already cut to **** exhuast, I can figure its already been gutted so there is no need for me to buy a DEP stainless. But for more power what I need to do it to earth the green and black wires which can be found behind my speedo. This will open the powervalve and give my more umppfff stright away. With this I'll release the power I need to be wheely happy in first and second, under its own power (I'm only 10st).
Firstly, Am I correctly informed or completely mislead in what I just said? Secondly, If I'm correct how the hell do I do it EXACTLY? step by step I have no mechanical experiance with motorbikes and dont want to kill it. Third and Finally, If I take it to my local dealer (Padgetts of Bradford Road) and said to them 'how many notes would it take for you to derestrict it for me?' would they wink and say 'leave it to us' or smack me in the teeth?
Hi Matt., behind th clocks there is something called a reed switch. This a magneticaly opperated switch triggered by the speedo when you hit 60mph and retards the ignition. You should be able to dig it out and tape it up out of the way. Some people say not to cut the wires as this will kill the bike, but its an open circuit anyway so cutting it should make any difference. The choice is yours whether you cut or not.
Not sure about the earthing issues. Perhaps someone else on the forum can provide the info. Do you have a powervalve servo fitted?
Any dealer worth their salt should ask to see a full UK bike licence before carrying out a derestriction. But yes you would probably get stung and provided you have a little mechanical knowledge (ie you can use a spanner) you should be able to DIY. If not, learn, cos its great tinkering about.
i have 2002 dtr doing 68mph,all thats been done to mine is taking the reed block out of the speedo and blocked the hole on the air bottle which is screwed to the frame,i have standard pipes on..
Excellent, I dont know what the powervalve servo is or how to check if I have one.
With the modification made to the exhaust I can already get narrowly above 70 on the flat. What is the process of carrying out those derestrictions you both mentioned? Im comfortable with tools, I just dont know what Im looking for at all.
your bike has a servo powervalve.you need to get in under your speedo and you will see a white oblong object,pull it out and put it in a little plastic money bag and tape it up..leave it out of the speedo as far away as it will go..you also have a black plastic bottle type thing screwed to your frame on the clutch side above the engine casing.unscrew it and take it of,get some duck tape and tape over the hole on the pipe which is on the bike you hav taken the bottle of yer?now its blocked of, push the bottle over the hole and screw back on...
I'll be doing these changes tomorrow along with fitting my new sprocket set. What is it that these changes will cause to happen? Obviously they'll make it faster but I dont want top end speed I want acceleration and power for wheelies. So if either of those will cause it to drag out rather than fly off I dont want to be doing them.
Ok, I did what you suggested, I took to white rectangle out, waterproof wrapped it and then refitted everything. From 2-4000rpm you can hear the difference but then its just pretty much like it used to be. The power 4-6000rpm is about the same and anything above 6000rpm seems a little sluggish. Fortunatly the fastest I'll be going is 70 on a duel carridgeway so I've no problems with the top end.
But this is the DT125R where is the power hiding that I need to just roll the front end up into the sky. I could wheelie a scooter until sunset, a small KX80 would nearly kick me off the back everytime I pulled on the throttle so why cant I get my front wheel air borne even with my wheight back and under a huge tug????
i have 2002 dtr doing 68mph with standaerd pipes.like you i was expecting it to lift up in 1st and 2nd gear.i have yet to get dep system on and if it doesn,t wheelie the its going to be sold
After removing the servo powervalve I found a new problem, the engine sounds like its drowning its self in petrol, more over it smelt like it was drowning in petrol. Normally I can do 60miles+ to a tank, since taking the servo out it seemed progressivly sluggish through the gears, the smell of petrol got worse and I had to swicth to reserve on 50miles. I can understand higher revs is going to cause a greater fuel consumption but thats rediculas and why did it smell so much??
Obviously I've put the servo back on and this morning coming to work she felt zippy as f***
anyone any ideas as to what I did wrong/ didnt do that I was meant to?
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DT125R Forum -> Tuning -> New DTR 125 (topic already touched, on needs explaining)