I wouldn't waste money buying one, i have done many tests with and without on my bike and there is little difference. With it on the bike sounds worse and is very slightly slower
As the airbox hole is sealed under the seat there will be no difference with the intake of dirt as long as you clean out the snorkel area after removal and are not doing muddy green-laning or going through water that is upto the height of the airbox.
Removing the snorkel gives a small increase of the volume of air going into the engine, if your exhaust is stock it will make no difference. If your bike is derestricted and is not running lean then it will benefit you to remove the snorkel.
If you want to test if it would be worth buying one, get some tape and put it over 1/4 of the airbox hole
i have mine off,not had any issues with it being removed,got to say it sounds better though. as performance wise i have noticed no difference with it on or off,stock front pipe gutted,big one tail pipe.
i agree no different unless highly modified, however the snorkel was invented by yamaha for a reason and it wasnt that it sounded bettter it is purely there for you to keep your filter clean,(yes it sounds better off) however dust settles by falling eg when dust in the house is noticed its always on the up side, the snorkel is design for it not to settle on your filter and will after time clog your filter, call up a garage, it best to keep on unless your modification makes you take it off for better air intake,however you do not need too so keep it on mate
well my bike is a weird one .... mine did 60mph in top gear (it wouldnt revv past 8k) now with the snorkel back in, it does 50mph in 3rd gear ........... but wont do anymore than that .. pissed off with it but its a work in progress .........
yeah exactly, but mine wont do more than 50 .. it doesnt have the push to do it, at all, in any gear. and its derestricted :/ got a big one expansion and a standard rear silencer .. just got a weekend job so waiting to get first payment :D then work can begin :)
it had a new head gasket, apparently didnt have any air leaks, the compression seems okay tho in the last few days its been kicking me back haha is that normal sometimes? its not all the time maybe once in every 3ish ..... checked the sparky the other day its a misty brown which is correct i believe :) tho i dont have a power band .. at allll .. im tempted to strap my fone to the bar pad and take it out for a run and show you all lol :S? new phone tho dont really want to make it fly haha!
lmao .. can you imagine seeing a video of someone recording there revv counter and then the phone flys off HA be a right laugh .. might have to take a vid and show you all what i have to put up with lol a bike not much faster than a ts50x haha depressing lol
Your get it sorted craig mate, its probably something so simple, but a pain to find, I take it you have took the speedo restricter off aswell? surely the *big one expansion and a standard rear silencer* doesnt help, or would it?
nope it sure doesnt .. ive read places that big one with anything else except both parts is ****e lol they are designed to work together .. so silencer is on its way lol
gdgd :) .. i have this derestriction manual, and it says remove the manifold, chavver down the edges (**** it up), tape up the reserve air box (strangle the engine), and remove the air snorkle :S i dunno how my bike was running :S