right lads i recently got a 2000 yam dtr 125 which had been rebord to a 175 not so long back before i got it. i had been givng it abit of stick for 5 days running and giving it all the check overs before going out on it the basics realy then today i let bike warm up for ten mins by just going round track at a stedy pace not thrashing the guts out of it then after that ten mins i give it a real good smashing then i come to pull in near the rest of the lads on the bikes and the back wheel just locked on and come to a grinding halt. i checked all gears and they were all tapping in fine so am gessing its the piston kick start is not moving a mm at all will this be because the piston has not been worn in proply yet?
iv gone threw 2 pistons by not running them in propily and i just lost all compression the kick start never locked up ... 175cc kits eat pistons anyway strip it down and have a look
local mechince very gd with bikes it mad , he said whe nthe dtr are bored 2.00 over size ull start notice the head gaskets will blow easyer or summit , and that i only have one more over bored to 58.50 or summit then its over, just had it re bore fresh bits , if that ever happend better not , gonna get a tzr ect .