haynes manual and wossner piston and braided hoses and full engine gasket and small end bearing and axle tensioners and pro taper grips with donuts and swing arm decals then a few tools like drapper honer and a digital vernier tool and some flexi hoses and a full 2nd hand dep pipe and a fully race tuned head which is heavily ported and sum thicker gaskets to raise compression
dont know what else lol but i know i got more
dtr 125 engine in derbi senda full arrow exhaust pipe 30mm mikuni carb full power cdi power valve fully open
sorry got it wrong ye to lower it so it will be better on road instead of mental but will still be mad with race tuned head and also to add i have bought a full road legal kit for £180 just need to get tires now
dtr 125 engine in derbi senda full arrow exhaust pipe 30mm mikuni carb full power cdi power valve fully open
its got all switches like indicators horn and light beam hi and low got horn and relays and its got rear number plate holder with lights and indicators and 2x hydraulic break switches it all runs off re-chargeable batteries 3600mah x 8 so will last a while
dtr 125 engine in derbi senda full arrow exhaust pipe 30mm mikuni carb full power cdi power valve fully open
if you asked me mate seems abit pointless trying to lower the compression when putting a wossner piston and a race tuned head on it surely itl make it run like crap????
also is that the lighting kit of ebay if so my mate got one of thoses for his yz400 you may wanna try and get a bigger size batt as dont last very long at all think he changed it to a 7000 or 8000mah lasted about a hour tops
its only to lower the take off a bit as i know what yz 125s are like still will get just as much top end and i got it off ebay ye my mate got one n neva had a problerm at all
dtr 125 engine in derbi senda full arrow exhaust pipe 30mm mikuni carb full power cdi power valve fully open
its only to lower the take off a bit as i know what yz 125s are like still will get just as much top end and i got it off ebay ye my mate got one n neva had a problerm at all
fair enouth couldnt have you just done that with sprockets though?
n my mate must of just had a dodgy batt or charger then :(