aye i like the look of them, but the do handle crap.. plus one of the good points about havin a dt is there's no where you can't go. spoils that with sm on it
AAAWWWWW YES!!! lovin this dude so far u done a proper job looks awesome!!! love the colours, blue on black looks wkd and the white jus makes it look so fresh, like the over braid touches aaswell. aww cant wait to see it with the rims!!! keep up the good work m8y!
thos polished bits came up really well did you do them yourself? n i bet they took some graft i know cast alloy n steel is horrible to polish but they look spot on
-- Edited by DT-R_bradders on Friday 11th of January 2013 12:38:40 AM
been a while since av added photos but here some for yas.. not far off done now.. waiting for some more bolts off ebay, my wheels need sorting. and my forks polished.. top clamp sanded with 400 ready for polishing
some of these photos my bike is a bit dusty. everything ends up like that in that garage
defo gotta sm this dude have it interchangeable with dtx set up n caliper bracket for front ; ) black rims blue hubs blue rim tape and jizz in our pants o_0
cheerz mate :) aye the cast ally was a bit of a **** like.. had to file the cast lines off first with a small file and then sand all the little sand cast sort of pits that are all ova it off with 400. few hours and blisters for that haha. then i pass them on to me father, he does the bizz. look even better in the daylight ya can see ya face in them :). hes busy doing me rear can again and my caliper bracket for the back.. then iv gotda prep me fork legs coz hes doin them aswel :) the wheel spacers an that are a chrome powder coat, as are the brake brackets. the overbraid shud look cool when its all back together like. only £8 a meter. had to give it a go.
iv been lookin for some cheap rims but enduro. i was gonna relace my hubs on to some ally rims. and do them exactly like you said.. black rims blue hub ha. not too sure bout sm tho :/
Looking great. It's amazing when you get to this stage and it finally starts coming together. Going to have to get my finger out and polish my snail shells as I just cleaned them up.
LOoking to tidy my swing arm. Got engibe out at present. Is it a bitch of a job to remove and powder coat? Disown soon looks a pain to sort? Any tips would be good.
swinger was piss for me mate a just sprayed it. some of the lads on here have pwdered theres tho and its ment to be a bit of a **** on getn every thing out
Getting the crap out the swinger is easy with a blow torch and a punch prior to handing it in at the powdercoaters. It is the £220 on bearings, sleeves, bushes, oil seals ect you need to build it all back up including the linkage.
Apart from the bearings everything has to be yamaha genuine parts and we all ne they cost £££'s
If your bike was trash like mine I would say do it, but I wouldnt like to do it if the current parts were in good working order.
I got that kit off wemoto all it contained was two bearings and two oil seals FLOL.
Only 18 more components to buy lol. You could probaly recycle some stuff. But all in all its a ball breaker to do the job right. One of my biggest outlays on my project was buying that shiz.
I got that kit off wemoto all it contained was two bearings and two oil seals FLOL. Only 18 more components to buy lol. You could probaly recycle some stuff. But all in all its a ball breaker to do the job right. One of my biggest outlays on my project was buying that shiz.
+1 i spent loads on all the rear swinger parts on the first rebuild. barings, bushes, baring tubes, seals all genuine yamaha parts aswell. worth it tho as long as grease is pumped in there every few months (on older models with grease nipples)
Cool thanks for tips. Shall not be stripping it for powder coating then. Don't forget if you can post them pics of your halo install that would be great! Got mine in post other day.
Any ideas on what's best way to paint swing arm. Already been painted black but looks bit faded and chipped
Technically homeless just now - in the middle of moving house and have exams so not much going on just now, hopefully at the end of the month i'll get the engine rebuilt. Sucks, so much to do,no time at all.