what you lot think i think it looks quite good with dtr tank XD going to email them and ask if they can merge these wr graphics with dtr tank and dtre tails and see what they say lol think it will look boss
It's the service manual i have. That half and half setup looks spot on, thinking of going that route on one of my projects. i have a pic of one on my old computer i'll have to dig out, the tank needs modding/adding to as the seat finishes a little short on the tank and leaves a gap.
I think i have a phone number for the guy i got the engine from buried in my emails somewhere, i'll have a look. He had the full bike breaking but it was a good few months back.
i have the serive manual parts guide as well i think cheers anyway mate =] im trying to get a hold of a few head and base gaskets just in case they get even rarer lol im thinking of putting the dtr seat on with the dtr tank as i like the dtr seat the re seat feels strange lol going to have a play in the moring with my tank and seat to see how it feels i have a spear dtr seat i can mod to fit XD and if you can find his email address that would be awesome mate wouldn't hurt to send him a little email lol
the guy who set that up was singed up on hear a wile ago and has a drz now lol i was going to get a drz so posted up on the drz forum and he posted saying i had one and linked me to the forum saying its his haha
few things im glad if found like about the kick start but will need a gasket so might end up importing a propper 230 one form japan thats about £140 plus what ever import dutys is lol
so my 34mm carb turned up today XD its huge lol just about fits lol but got it in got it runing road it up and down the road lol bit boggie think i put to much 2 stroke in for premix haha
the carb doesn't fit that good if its in the air boot correctly its falling out the reed block rubber and if its in the reed block rubber falling out the air boot plus the bottom of the carb is touching the engine =[
the chances haha called up fowler's of bristol today and gave them the head gasket part number to see if one can be orders the guy goes we have one in stock omg XD