Nearly have everything ready for podercoating. I cut away any non essential stuff like that plastic exhaust guard, old indictor holders ect. Where the hole is on this part I punched clean through the rot with a screwdriver. Luckily it was only the centre that was feked so i cleaned back to metal.
The last thing that stands im my way is the bottom yoke and stem. I started a thread about this, Is it even possible to seperate the bottom yoke from the stem for powdercoating?
Started flushing the crank out with parrafin to get all the filings out.
Panning for gold......
Very badly smashed up allumium. There was so much when I started the crank wouldnt do a full rotation. Metal grinding sound in the big end bearing. Bit off noise coming from the generator side big bearing.
Yeah I know mate. Making steady progress so far. Just held back at the moment cause I am waiting to get my stem pressed out the yoke and I am waiting on some Dremmel bits arriving, for a few bits I have had to drill out with snapped bolts ect so they are 100% before it goes to the coaters. Those little metal blocks with the threads are a total nightmare to cut off and grind smooth in some places.
Made a good find in a skip the other day. Bit of tractor inertube cut to measure for the top, and I have a great stand!!
Got a couple of small jobs done tonight. Made a start on cleaning the rear shock.
Parrafin is what I am using as my general purpose cleaner for this project. Very cheap and it eats the dirt.
Got my wire drill wheel on the bottom end. Got it nice and clean, but I am goig to town on it when I get it in a vice at work. Want it nice and shiny before I paint it.
Got my water pipe cleaned up with lots of differant abbrasives saves buying a new one.
For some reason I am having problems showing the pics so more will follow. My thoughts today have been to buy the Athena big bore kit for the bike. My plan would be to sell my head and my entire powervalve unit., also I would have had to fork out around £80 for a piston a rebore, so it could work out at a nice cost!
bloody good stuff parafin, and cheap too, some in a squeezy trigger bootle sprays bits unreachable by brush, plus if you do it all over a large bowl/baby bath, when it settles you can filter off the crap and crud, then re-use again for cleaning down.
Going to get some work done tonight. Having problems with the photos though. When I paste them ect they dont appear I have to do it twice to get them to show, then there are two of every pic in my post lol. Hopefully goes better tonight.
Plans for tonight are to clean the filthy radiator ready for painting and oil residued exspansion chamber. (some idiot had oil in it) Get those air intake fins cleaned up for painting.
Going to try and knock the berings out the swing arm. Been busy with my dremmel recentley so not many exciting photos.
Luckily the sleeve on the right hand side came out easily, cause i was in for some fun with the left!
Had to call on an old freind for this project. Surprised I havnt been badly burned yet.
The chisil and socket were the perfict drift 9/16 I think it was. Not really sure though.
No wonder I failed my last MOT for seizes suspension pivot. I had to smash that sucker out.
Got the outer bearings out with a 21mm. The inners came out with my punch, but i was glad I had this for the outers, as they were solid.
Tool of the night!!
Called it a day here though. Roasted it and hit it with a 19mm socket, didnt move a mm?
Started cleaning these peices in my parafin basin.
Got this bearing out with some presision (lol) work with dremmel. Never damaged the lip at all so think I will be fine. Just cut a couple of mm to far into the headstock cause I never had a new bearing for referance. Even this way it was a struggle!
Cleaned and painted rear shock and water pump.
Another hole in my swingarm after all the smashing. Will have to get welded at the coaters.
I've got a couple of standard DTR swing arms going spare if you want one, not sure of there's a difference between the standard and the SM ones. Maybe between the two of them one will be in a better state than your one. I've got a YZ 125/250 one as well if you want to be adventurous/lighter! Also did your tank have a dent in it? I have the same tank as yours from back when I thought I could SM my standard DTR using all the SM fairings,seat and tank, again it's yours if it's of any use to you (hoping to move house soon and really need to clear out parts).
Cheers Slinky that would be good. I am not sure if they are the same. I am sure a quick comparrison would be enough to see if they fitted. The tank I have got is a new one, I have got a dented one as a spare. I will drop you a PM and we can sort out the swingarm, it really is appreaciated!
The swing arm is feked, you should here the crap rattling around inside of it. Got it all out before but after my hammering it is full again.
The vampire stake I found at work, god knows how old it is could easily be 100 years old from where I found it. I showed the guy I was working with and asked him how many times he though it had been hit, its proper mushroomed.
Been out in the garage tonight messing around with my engine. I was trying to get some of the screw heads loose around the sprocket, got some of them turning but three of them have rounded. Did yamaha really have to use screw heads that rust, I think hex bolts like my NSR is a lot better for being ease of dismantiling when the bike has aged. Anyway I will just have to cut slots in them with my dremmel and try and get them out. One of them will be akward to cut though.
Was looking at this on ebay. Do you think it would be worth me just buying this and saving all the time buying the parts for a full rebuild, then just sell my engine to someone who can rebuild it easier than me. I was looking forward to the satisfaction of doing it all myself, but in the end I might be better of buying this. I will only buy it if there is reasonable proof of this work being done as the discription says.
It's a lot of money for the engine. Spend about £150 ish and you can have the same effect for your engine, new bearings, seals, gaskets, conrod etc. Follow the posts on here for rebuilding and you can't go wrong. The fact that there's no generator, starter motor etc,for me makes it way over priced, despite the labour that would have gone into it. Get the parts, print off the guides (I think Norfe did a good engine dismantle guide that I used) and give yourself an afternoon and you could sort it yourself. I think i've managed it for about £100 for a full re build of my engine.
As for the screw heads, I just drilled them off then used a stud remover to get the remaining bit of the bolt out, easy. Again if you need to borrow a stud remover, I can drop one off when I get the swing arms.
A few pics of what I have been up to. Taking the stuff to the coaters tomorrow bags and bags full. Cant wait to be able to start building the bike up cause alot of my time recentley has just been cleaning with parrafin and painting plastics, it's all the better when you can bolt the nice clean and painted bits on to something!
Got the rad stripped and painted.
Getting my scoop holders done in red.
Started to De coke the powervalve. Got it nice and clean but forgot to take a pic.
Last shots of the frame for reference of how bad it was.
Hopefully next week my pics will be of a nice clean bike emerging rather than pics of rust and dirt. One question I have is the rear shock linkage. Will I have to replace the sleeeves and seals after it being coated? Was wondering about this tonight.
Well thats the stuff dropped off at the coaters, big thanks to slinky for the swingarm! they looked really similiar so we will just have to wait and see. I will keep my peice of crap just incase.
Got the stuff back from the coaters. Great job they done! I will let the pics speak for themselves.
Sprayed my scoops and radiator.
Good way to spend a Friday after work.... 69p a can and it actually tastes great!
Going to get the Hubs done red and the rims black with red rim stickers. Full Dep system. Hel Red braided lines. Acebris fork socks and the forks powder coated in black.
Cheers mate. Normally drink the pricey German wheat beers myself costs me a fortune, Hoegarden is my mane staple lol. Just gave these a try one day and liked I actually liked them.
One thing the coater did do though was blast my chasis number to oblivion and coated over it lol! Don't plan on selling the bike anyway, costs nothing to run these things.
A bit of an update on the build. I have been enjoying putting the stuff back together after the powdercoating because it just looks amazing compared to how crap it looked before just annoying now when I scratch something now but I just keep telling myself the bike is going to be really well used, its not for some concours bike show!
Going to try and get the bike totally rebuilt so I can focus soley on the engine rebuild as I have never done before and it will be good when the engine is built to put it straight into the fresh bike for what will probaly be a nervous push of the ignition switch lol!
Started cleaning these for painting, wire wool is working really well.
Got the corroded pivot bolt nicely cleaned and polished. Nice colour coding of the shock absorber lol.
Hopefully the stuff eventually turns up from wemoto so I can get the headstock and the swingarm built up. Going to compress the bearing in with some threaded rod and nice big bus shock absorber washers.
Got this stuff today. For some reason Wemoto send you two tapered bearings for top and bottom when it should just be tapered lower and ball bearing upper. I only really need a a lower which when I typed in the code on google I can get one for a tenner instead of the £34 I payed, so they will be going back along with the slinky guide swingarm ones, found them for buttons on simply bearings so might aswell return them and get all my bearings from simply bearings save myself £50.
Was a bit disapointed though cause I wanted my headstock on today but £50 is £50.