I sold my PS3 last summer.... then heard the news a week later that GTA V was coming out in 2013! I nearly cried! My cousin brought his Xbox over at the wknd and I played it for a few hours! Absolutely loved it.... but getting withdrawls now! Gunna have to wait until it comes out for PC I think.... mod the SH1T out of it!
@reef I think the driving in it is MUCH better than the other GTA's!! I've had every single GTA since the 1st one all them years ago, and reckon 5 has the best driving! Feels like need for speed! Although, thats just my 2 cents
Now this isn't a bad thing. It's actually a saving grace. It now has a checkpoint system for missions. So when you die you don't have to restart the whole mission all over again. Or go buy armour, weapons and the like. I like this. It sucks but at the same time it just allows yoi to enjoy the game. I often find myself killing myself on purpose just so i can repeat that bit again because its fun.
The cars on the road handle real fun. I do like to control them in the air. It sucks but it emulates fun which isn't thag quite key for a game. The fact that you can roll the car over when it's on its roof. Yeah that sucks. But at the same time i find that i'll be on a mission on the older gta's. real far then the car rolls over and it's game over. And that really pisses me off. So thinking about it like that. It's actually a clever feature.
In my opinion it takes away features that i really hated about the game. The things that would make me pull my hair out. And replaced it with something i don't like. So i've gone from hating it to don't like. So in my book thats a win win. Defo improvement and makes the game flow better.
I'm past the part of my life where i can be bothered to spend serious anounts of time investing in games. Where i can be bothered to do every single thing in detail and precisely. Gta V gives you the option to do this. But it also lets us ADULTS just enjoy the experience and renoves all the swearing that i wind myself up in.
Totally agree, they have made it much more playible for casual gamers or ADULTS lmao, The missions have been much more entertaining than the normal stop clock/ chasing people crap.
Totally easy, but the life invadors phone was a class mission had me laughing. Hopefully I have many more entertaining missions to do.
That's actually one of the better aspects of this game. Is that so far it hasn't felt too repetitive like the other gta's. and i love the random events lol. Bit of karma.