Knobbleys are much more fun in the rain :D I had a go on my mates DTR the other day. Made me smile SOOOO much. Was riding it how I'd ride my DT and it was so tail happy. I can't describe how much fun that was. Just the back end snapping out everywhere was priceless! I did like getting back on mine, especially as a daily commuter. It's a little more stable and a better ride, that said in terms of fun....his is up there. Very tail happy and just bloody laugh to ride :D DTR FTW :D
The only problem I still have is that mine is doing 90kph at 9k rpm in 6th gear. It's so annoying doing 65 mph is engine red line.I have had a look at it this morning don't think it's the Speedo drive unit, it's not the cogs front is 16 back is 57. Dunno why my gearing is ****ed. It shouldn't be doing 90kph @9k in 6th gear should it?
When on a nice long-ish ride today, love the twist roads :) haha one bad point tho. today I noticed a big crack on my left side crankcase cover, and also my tachometer died! :( this DT is turning into a money eater.
When on a nice long-ish ride today, love the twist roads :) haha one bad point tho. today I noticed a big crack on my left side crankcase cover, and also my tachometer died! :( this DT is turning into a money eater.
аг120 spent >.< if you stick with bikes, you will so laugh at this.
Most of us have pissed more away on something that looks shiny.
okkkky so as Ive been getting to know how my bike is on the road, now is the time to get it all looking nice and shiny! so this is what I have right now...
Hopfully it well get better and such. but before I get any vigazel going on I have a few things to fix!
Seems I have a pretty bad case crack....
And a massive oil bleeding gap at the exhaust port gasket...
And not to mention my gearing problem...
These things are on my next to fix list!
-- Edited by 2BLimitless on Sunday 31st of August 2014 02:46:42 PM
That cracking in the genny cover wouldn't do much harm. It's only if eater can get in that is when you will need to worry. Even then the fly wheel covers the stator so shouldn't cause too much of an issue.
That problem in the exhaust is common. Provided you have an exhaust gasket inside the exhaust port then that shouldn't cause too much of issue. All two strokes are oily by nature. A little oil from the exhaust is normal.
I probabley will at some point, My main gripe is the gearing. I need to go on 60mph roads quite often so redlining at 65 or even cruising at 10k rpm isnt ideal. come payday ill get myself a 18T front sproket.