i have a L reg dtr125 with a 02 reg engine and yes2day since yes2day it hasnt been starting and whn it does it runs for about 10 seconds then cuts out, i got the AA out and he tryed the plug - superb spark, the fuel tap was lettin fuel trought and there didnt seem to be a blockage from the tank to the carb but when spray carb cleaner into the air filter it runs ok, he said it will be the carb thats blocked and that need to take the carb off and clean it out but i wanted to know if it could be owt else before i take it apart cheers
Sounds like a fuel prob the float in the carb could be sticking which is only alowing a small amount of fuel through or the the jets could be blocked....
could be top end engine is going but to be honest i think its carb related.......
did you run the tank out of fuel recntly? has the bike been stood for a while?
no its not run out of fuel and i use it everyday, i changed the sparkplug about 4 days ago but i didnt think that would have had owt to do with it, ill take the carb out tomorrow and clean it out and ill check the jets aswell and get back to ya wi how it goes cheers for help
i took the carb apart and the bottom was filled with blue water, i dont know much bout bikes so not sure how or what its from but it runs brillient now, at a guess id say it was 2 stroke oil as thats blue but not like water so must have got water in the carb somehow but thax 4 the help people
Look for 2 water pipes coming from the head of the engine to the carb. I'm not to sure of the waterways within the carb but just double check everything is tight. If it happens again you have a little problem on your hands
I say water "coolled" but its actually there to keep the carb inlet warm to prevent it icing up
the same thing happened again so took the carb off again and the bottom was filled with blue coolent again then notice the carb has a crack in it so the coolent has been leaking into the bottom of the carb so a new carb required