P.Valve FAIL!.
1 2 3 4
Hi guys, well.. what a week end. Blew the DTR up! reason! racing a car.. doing 80mph full chat for 15 miles.. I have found the reason why, on investigation. The amount of time the bike was at full...
Pinning the powervalve open on a DTR
Ok here is my guide to opening the powervalve on the servo assisted DTR's.The early models use the same method but there is no plastic pulley or cables to remove. 1. Remove the front exhaust pipe 2. Look up the exhaust port (torch may help) and you will see the powervalve at the top of the port 3. Turn th...
Noob question
I've got a 2000 DTR and it's kickstart only, do they have power valves or just fixed plate? -- Edited by The Bandit on Thursday 14th of April 2016 09:48:42 PM
The Bandit
powervalve only lining up on one or the other end of port
Hi as you can see on the pictures the powervalve only lines up in one or the other end of the port. If i adjust it so it is smooth to feel with your fingers in the end of the exhaust port its a little bit closed in the port when you look on it from the cylinder and the other way around. If you adjust so its open from t...
powervalve distance from piston ring
Hi just had my barrel bored to 57 mm was wondering if anyone knows how big the distance from the powervalve to the piston rings should be ? would 1mm be enough? anyone who has experience about this?
pv pinned open
If i bored my cylinder to a size where i would have to mod the pv. would i not need to mod it if i just pinned it open? i can't think clearly atm becus im really tired haha :P
Setting PV Back Up After Year (+) With It Pinned?
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Hi all, as above I'm planning on putting my PV back on, it's running on a servo. It's a '97 model. Will I need to clean it or anything like that? Thanks in advance.
Powervalve leaking oil?
Hello, i have DT125R 01 and it has a 170cc Athena kit fitted. It is leaking halfburnt oil from the servo side of the powervalve. It has a rubber ring around the powervalve thing. It doesn't have any seal between the cap and the engine, but according to the scheme, there shouldn't be one. What could cause t...
Piston/top ring hit the PV on a 56mm bore?
Pulled the top end on that black DTR i recently bought to change the head gasket as it was leaking(why do DT owner's find it so had to put a gasket on). Once i got the head off i was in for a big suprise, the piston only had 1 ring on it. The bore is standard 56mm but it's clearly hit the pv? I took some off the PV and...
Suspected powervalve rattle
Hi guys! After not using the Dt since September I decided to get back on it and as it was rattling a bit I decided to rebuild top end (bottom end was done recently) so after putting in new piston etc today I went to start her up and it's still rattling! I checked for any big end bearing play whilst i had piston o...
Removing pv
Haynes manual says you must take head n barrel off to remove Pv? Sureley you can remove it while there in place, just rebuilt it yesterday not keen on taking it all back off lol.
Powervavle servo
I guess this is normal -- Edited by Victor on Thursday 6th of March 2014 09:19:59 PM -- Edited by Victor on Thursday 6th of March 2014 10:35:49 PM -- Edited by Victor on Friday 7th of March 2014 11:38:17 A...
DT125RE 06 Powervalve not working, help!
Hi all, Been rebuilding my dt125re and my powervalve is not working as it should. I have been diagnosing the problem and have come to the conclusion that the cdi just aint right. The motor for the ypvs works, I've bench tested it with a 12v power supply and a 6 v power supply. The valve itself can be moved...
powervalve fun
i have a servo powered powervalve and wanna no what will happen if i play about with it im just looking for more power really and jw what i could do with it aprently its set up how it should be evenly in the middle but id like someone to tell me how it all works if it s not to much hastle :) i take it it works on air?
Powervalve not as it should be
My power valve was set up as per manual, (ie dowel hole lines up) but the power valve has a step if you run your finger in the port. To get the PV to have no step the pulley needs to be half a hole towards the right. Post has been edited as it really made no sense. -- Edited by bones on Thursday 30th of January...
Power valve cap
My power valve cap on my dt 125r , the bit where you bolt the screw thru the power valve cap has snapped off on the right hand side of cyclinder when i was trying to get it off , (typical) does that play in a big part to help it the bike start up? it's having problems starting and running right at moment, would th...
different power valve ends
Is there any difference between the power valve with a diamond end and the one that's just oval/straight with round ends ? Of so which is better and what's the benefits ?
Power VALVE sanding?
can someone tell me what power valve sanding would do? I've just done a rebuild (piston,rings,gaskets) and now i have a major rattling noise no idea where it's coming from, ive posted it on a 2 stroke page on facebook, and they think it's the power valve? anyone have facebook I can post a video to you and s...
powervalve sounds like its struggling to turn on cleaning cycle after fitting new cap
My replacement end cap exhaust side came through and fitted today but have noticed with the cap on it sounds like tge valves struggling to turn but when caps removed sounds healthy looked up exhaust port and valve seems to turn ok and sits in the open position after cleaning cycle
Valve wont spin !
So thought ide have a lil go at fixing the bike as weathers okish and on inspection of the pv its a rectangular shape not a diamond looks like its the right way round as the spot is on top but it just wont spin. Just wondering before I start stripping it apart if anyone knows if there is a washer or pin stoppin...
Noob question
ive seen loads of diffrent stlyes of powervalves and i was curious how do they work ? ive seen some on here with cables coming out of them ? but mine doesnt o.o lol
Dt Danny
Not sure how to set up a powervalve :(
I've got the dt125r manual & i know you have to set up the slot so that it's in the same place as the hole. But it seems to be cutting out when i stop :( ever since i had a topend rebuild. Carbs fine, everything else is fine jusrt think it might be the spark plug cap or the setting for the powervalve. All answ...
Powervalve air leak causing over reving. pics inside
Some of you may know I was having problems after my rebuild with over reving after my rebuilt. At first I thought it was the carb slider not closing properly but I think I have found out the real problem today luckily. I got the bike started and it started Reving again, I pulled the choke up and the revs went...
everyone please read need to clear this up before thursday help appreiciated
hi all , i have to get this cleared up and i know il be told to search the forums but believe me i have. there is to much contradicting info about subjects so therefore i need these questions answered as to not blow my bike up again!. 1. is the bike supposed to have the powervalve cables crossed over? ,if so t...
Powervalve help!
hi guys went to pickup a bike today to repair another bike i bought last week wanting to swap parts of it and w/e the kid told me the bike had the powervalve on it, sorted. got there bikes got no power valve whatsoever nothing even related to it! bought the bike of him anyway as i need some parts and it was 200...