losing power in the rain
hi there sometimes when its raining and i try to pull off the bike looses power i think this is called throttle stick does anyone know what causes it and how to prevent it thanks
The secret to a killer powerband
THROW YOUR POWERVALVE SERVO IN THE BIN (or disconnect it) I just disconnected the servo on my bike and used the pullies to allign it to the hole and WOAH it makes so much difference its like riding a different bike. The engine sounds much tinnier and makes very little power in the mid-range but as soon as y...
Coolant leak out of frame/sidestand
Hi my DT 125 has started leaking coolant out of the overflow from the header tank where it runs down a hole in the frame just above the sidestand (i think), yet after running my bike the header tank isn't hugely over the middle mark and it is cool to the touch. The bike runs nice and cool for a while then becau...
help need
yamaha dtr125 complete engine rebiuld need help put it all together and it wont start i have lined all the timing up but im not sure on the fuel timing in side there is like a scope thing but i didnt know where it had to be so left it where it was is that wat is stopping my bike from running thanks for all the help...
top end rebuild
Anyone done a top end rebuild with the engine still in the frame? Im going to give it a go...... just wondered how difficult it is???? It looks fairly straightforward in the manual..... but im guessing ill have to wait till its all apart before i order the piston in case its o/s....
New DTR 125 (topic already touched, on needs explaining)
Hi, At some point we've all owned are first DT125 and guys and gals I'm pleased to say that time for me has now arrived. Born into my life last month, weighing a * lot* was my first baby my 2003 DTR125. With all new owners I've gotten used to the ride the handling and now I want to have a nosey around to find out...
dtr125.net say one way of setting the power valve up and the manual says to do it the the other way which is right for a 1990 dtr ..... there are 2 carb types flat slide and barrle slide ... can the flat slide be used and if so wot jetting should be used
DT125R Oil Warning Light
Hi All, Have just bought a 1998 DT125R and have noticed a slight (?) problem with it. I was hoping one of you more knowledgeable folk could help. When I start the bike, the oil warning light comes on and stays on, when the bike is in neutral. As soon as I select a gear, the oil warning lamp goes out (as does th...
re linering
hi just for a start can someone please actually help me insted of just ignoring my postes. anyway is it possible to have the barrel re linered. and how much will it cost. is it just more economical to buy a new barrel. please actually help me this time it would be much apriciated thankes jon-01
yamaha dtr power problems
hello i was wondering if anybody can help me with my yamaha dtr 125,it is a 2000 w, ive had it about six months and it has a big one silencer with what i believe to be the standard front pipe (been operated on id say) just lately the powervalve (only now and then) seems to be struggling, and the exhaust is sou...
baz atleeds
help needed with my dt125r
hi i started this project nearly a year ago now. we brought the dt125r in pieces. After rebuilding the engine, changing the power valve, new oil seals, and some other small things. The bike didnt run. We then came to the conclusion that there was something wrong with the carb, as there was no fuel getti...
running problems!!! please help
i have a L reg dtr125 with a 02 reg engine and yes2day since yes2day it hasnt been starting and whn it does it runs for about 10 seconds then cuts out, i got the AA out and he tryed the plug - superb spark, the fuel tap was lettin fuel trought and there didnt seem to be a blockage from the tank to the carb but when s...
Fuel economy
What kind of mileage are you guys getting with a full tank? My TDR will fit about £8 worth in at the mo and gives me about 80 miles or 2 days of runs back and to from work with at least half of that at 70+ and the other half pottering round town fighting with white vans (look out for a van round Leeds area with my Di...
wont go past 8500 rpm
hi can anyone help me i have a 1989 dtr125 it has a full dep exhaust and has been up jetted by 2 sizes and the power valve is fully open but for sum reason it wont go past 8500 in any gear please could someone help me any help would be very much appreciated
idle probs
hey guys i wonder if any of you guys can help me out, i cant seem to get my bike to idle, its got a standard carb as far as i know, i just cant get it to idle at all, iv got the idle screw adjusted fully in but this dosnt seem to affect any thing at all the air screw is set at 1 and 1/2 turns out and the needle jet on the mi...