HOW TO.. soulder wires together the correct way
alot of you most likly already know how to do this properly but iv seen alot of real bad bodge work on electrical systems n it drives me mad! lol so i thought ill show thos that have no experience in doing this, in doing right, by doing it this way you will have a fault and corrosion free system for a good few ye...
Common frustrating fault on 99 through 2003 DT125R
I have been asked to fix this common problem on lots of 99 on DT125R,s not the RE,s and X,s, its the loss of power to everything that should work when the ignition is switched on and the engine is not running. Its an easy fix just split into your loom under the seat, the solderd joint from the Red battery powe...
Reed Switch confusion
Hi All as you may or may not know on the back of the dt's late 1999 to 2003 the is a reed switch wired into the back of the clocks, the wiring diagram shows this is wired into the CDI to the Power Valve. most people recommend or say this is a restriction and to pull it out the clocks and tuck it away behind the hea...
light turns off at higher rpms, stopped and turn igniton on and off, no life, fuse was destroyed HELP fast please
hi as the title says, after i washed my bike and took it for a spin my lights turn off at higher rpms, didnt stop the engine until i was home then i took the igniton off and on and then there was no life, no lights no cleaning cycle. i checked my fuse and it was destroyed, i changed it , drove the bike carefully, b...
Is it safe bypassing start realy?
Hi when i click my start button its just clicking. So was wondering if it is safe to take a wire directly from starter to battery to check if it is a faulty relay or something, or if this could be harmful somehow?
intermittant spark
Really annoyed with the bike atm. As you may know its been stood for many years, i stripped it, powdercoated bits and put it back together and since then its been difficult to start. I sanded off the powdercoating to earth the coil and reg rec. I have tried another cdi, new reg rec, new coil ht lead plug cap...
07 DTR125re No electronics at all. no cleaning sequence. Will Bump.
Hey guys. I am having a problem with my 07 dtr, i road to my friends house about 6 miles away everything worked fine. i try to start it up to go home. and iv got nothing. no lights, no noises, nothing. we replaced the clutch perch where the leaver connects to the bars. and their is a cable that stops you from s...
Wiring loom ID
Hey guys, so I recently bought a wiring loom for my project from germany. However i am not sure which CDI goes with it and whether it fits the 1989-1998 loom diagram. I do know that it's from a 1996 German DT and it has a 3BN regulator on it. The numbers are 3RM-82590-20. It also has a 3 prong relay for the indi...
need help toubleshooting no spark issue.
Hi guys, Seems I have no spark, but I have a multi meter and a wiring diagram. Im trying to understand how the CDI decides when to fire the orange coil wire (2003 DTR)? from what I understand the red power lead goes into the ignition switch, which goes to the blue yellow wire into the CDI, then from cdi to coi...
Strange Spark issues
Ok I have had an intermittent problem with having no spark. It works fine for a complete journey, than every now and again when it comes to start it again its dead to the world. I think it has to do with a loose wire or such but when I try and double check all the wires nothing seems to be the sole cause. The two t...
Absolutely nothing when the key is turned.H
Hi guys. I have had my 2003 DTR since the start of the year, but after sorting some rear frame rust and generally time getting away from me, I only got it back on the road last month. It has a new Motobatt battery. I have ridden it a handful of times, but I noticed on the last outing the light wasn't registerin...
DT 125 ignition surround
anyone interested in these, i have 3 left, will have some more made if requested made from finest material, simply press on or use some super glue copper plated, nickle plated, then chromed - so isn't cheep -- Edited by the only way is YAMAHA DTR on Saturday 16th of April 2011 03:15:01 PM
the only way is YAMAHA DTR
89 DT125R electrical problems
Just put a new battery on my 89 DT and fired her up for the first time the bike will fire up and start no problem but none of the electrics that should work with the ignition switched on and engine not running are working though only the horn and the temp gauge shoots to past the red. Its getting power through...
dtx wiring
Can anyone tell me what the 4 light brown wires are for that meet in loom with wire 4 rear lights n feed 4 pv abt mid way on left side ??
coil test
on the 200 ohm scale it read 0.9 primary on 20.000 ohm scale got 12.36 on secondary from coil to plug cap anyone know if this is good or bad ?? Anyone ???????????? -- Edited by hairdoo on Friday 2nd of May 2014 06:48:13 PM
Faulty light switch??
My sidelight works and so does the rear light But the headlight doesn't I've checked with a multimeter and I'm getting a steady 11v all round up to the switch but nothing from there to the headlight plug The main beam bulb on the clocks works too I've tried cleaning the contacts inside the switch but stil...
mr karnage
no rear lights except brake
just rebuilt bike but no number plate light or rear light only brake light checked rear wires by usin brake light feed n they work that way but nothing when put into blue bullet connector n no idea where the wire goes to at front of bike HELP PLZ
Coil testing.... think mine might be knackard... no spark
just testing out some systems on my almost built dt125r 4bl 6/96 french bike.... and found I had no spark, so.... checked the plug cap resistance is fine 5.67 checked the primary coil and its no resistance at all... (orange wire connection on the coil) and the grounding point on the opposite end of the...
Fuel + Spark But No Go :(
My mate dumped his dt at mine after walking for 3 hours with it so I'm trying to look into it fixing it. We were riding no problem, ended up stopping for a bit then when he started it he then stalled or it cut out not too sure. Then it would turn but not fire up. I've stripped it down as I was assuming there wasn...
Anyone know what this is
-- Edited by Danny0112 on Tuesday 31st of December 2013 08:38:43 PM
Dt Danny
dt 125 re not starting
1 2
hi there i have just put a 2007 engine and wiring loom into my dt everythings wired up all the dash lights up neutral and oil light comes on powervalve also makes that noise, but now when i press the startor button i get nothing it also has no spark when i bridge the startor solenoid it turns over but with no...
220 tubz
no spark problem
hi guys so after putting the engine back together i tried to start it and it wnt start on fully charged battery it starts engaging the engine only when the battery is nearly dead. so i removed the spark plug grounded it and when i just press the button spark appears than when the engine spins faster the spa...
Electric start not working (SOLVED! Explanation inside)
My electric starter stopped working again. Same thing happened during the winter now and then, but then it would suddenly start working after a while. All that happens when I press the electric start button is a "click" which comes from the thing where the fuses are. If you touch it you can e...
Universal Kill Tether Switch Lanyard
Okay how would i wire in a kill tether also called "DEAD MANs KILL SWITCH" Tether cord attaches to wrist or waist so your engine stops if you bail also can be used as a key if you pull of the tether bike cannot be started. anyone put one on there bike before is it hard to fit?
help please.
can someone with a dtr do me a big favour can you disconnect your battery plus and minus lead and start the bike and let me know if your indicators and horn still work please i have had a wire problem since my bike was stolen and looking at the wiring diagram it should still work but on my bike it doesn't. ch...