Not bad for £160, let the stripping commence!
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Alright guys, just bought this today. Needs a fair bit of work but for £160 i think i got a bargain, even got a extra set of tyres lol. Got big plans for it but gonna take a while as i've already worked out nearly a grands worth of parts i want not including sm'ing it. Let me know what you think
2001 dt usd sm
Well stripped the ol dt down last Sunday all ready for blasting and powder coating, front wheel fits in the yz forks and having some bits made up for steering bearing and front brake caliper wich is of a momentous need to sort new bolts and wiring still( the dreaded ) a was thinking of trail tech speedo an...
dtr jim
My Project
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I bought my dtr 7 months ago, i was aware it needed some work when i bought her. I was made redundant, and as a result of that the bike got put on the back burner. But now with xmas out the way, and i am settled in a new job i have managed to pick up the tools again. my bike was running 2 weeks ago (but had awful pisto...
My New Project - 2001 DT Strip and Build!!!
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carb rubber problems callin (the only way is yamaha
how do you strech out the rubber beteween the airbox and carb to fit over a bigger carb i have tryed using boiling water and streching it over bottles but it ripped i need to get it to fit over a 62mm carb. any iders? i need to getit running soon as coz my mot, tax ,inshorance ran out this week. -- Edited by di...
1989 3MD matching numbers project
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So I'm still not sure why I've done this but I guess I've been bitten again by the DTR bug! I found a DTR 89 on ebay that had been stripped down and used offroad. It was fairly close so asked a few questions, made an offer and next thing i know it's being delivered to me! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/26115165...
Wasn't much of a project............
95 N reg, wasn't much of a project more of a clean service and freshen up of a 1000 mile from new unloved bike. I didnt even repaint the exhaust....... -- Edited by scrimsmustang on Thursday 4th of July 2013 01:12:04 AM
My DTR 2003 project
First post guys. bought it from breakers yard, got them down from 1000 to 400 ;) No engine number, for weight saving... french model, fully working powervalve, full dep system, unfortunately the front pipes a bit rusty, but hey. runs likes a dream but wont idle; last owner clearly didnt do much maint...
MuSkaaa x
Yamaha Dtr 125cc SM 2002
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Hey im miguel from portugal, and heres my dtr... i had a crash, and im going to show the process of the repair it was ready to paint here already painted more parts braking system
dtx to dtr conversion
Hey though im quite new to this site i was wondering if anyone could give me any pointers as to how i could convert my dtx into a dtr? cheers -- Edited by 2strokemx on Thursday 23rd of May 2013 09:38:02 PM
1989 dtr clean up for the last time :(
Well it's been a year or so ago since I last stripped and clean the dt and she's starting to look a bit sorry for her self so yesterday while I had the time I made a start on the old girl this is how it was at the start And so the strip began engine out :) rusty swing arm off was in a bit of a state so wire brushed / s...
DT125 SM 1988
So here we are, figured i might aswell post this up. 1988 build, does have some newer parts on it so a bit of a hybrid but i dont care not selling it(has 99 electrics). Had a lot of spares didnt see the point buying more parts. Specs DTX wheels 3RM-20 CDI (no rev limiter) boysen reeds 3MB Exhaust DEP back can...
dt125lc 1986 converting to dt re
hi all, a few days ago i bought a dt125lc mk2 frame and logbook very cheap with a clear hpi report, and as ive got a offroad dtr lying in my shed what i converted to an re model, ive now decided to strip it and put it all on the 86 frame so it can go back on the road (didnt realise how different the 86 was to an 04) but...
1995 dtr strip down and rebuild this may take a while
Tunertom's DT125 SM Project thread.
Here is the bike when i first bought it.. it looked alright, but up close, it looked poorly looked after, plastics fading, stickers peeling etc.....
2003 DTR-SM. Aftermath of going bang
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So I thought I'd collate all what I've previously written about both my bikes into one thread. Keep it all central etc and you lot can keep tabs on whats happening and blah. So from my previous topics. I've crashed the bikes countless times, rebuilt them countless times and gone through 2 head gaskets +...
1990 full DtR rebuild starts
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Ok so shes not much to look at but shes gonna be a beauty , Got my frame yesterday cheers andyyam, so first point of call is the sander at some point today -- Edited by tripr on Thursday 18th of October 2012 07:24:07 AM
97 TDR converted to a DT with USD's and WR swingarm.
It's almost done, just need to get the fecking wiring problem sorted. It started life as a shed of a TDR 125 and has slowly been made how I wanted it. New engine from an 07 DTRE and fitted a KTM exhaust. Boyesen power reeds and modded manifold. DID wheels and Talon hub (front). WP front end from a KTM SXF25...
88 3DB1 project the last DTR that I finished last year
Just been through all 7 pages and I aint put this up. There is some pics of it here and there on posts. No pics of the rebuild its self as you take em apart skin your knuckles, then u spend all your money on parts, then u put em back together and skin your knuckles again........ I love a challenge anyway.
Future Project Ideas?
I'm almost half way through a two year motorsport engineering course at college and next year we have to take on a fully self funded project to complete. Admiteddly this is more of a car based course but i spoke to one of my lecturers and he gave me the green light for taking on a bike. At the moment I'm leani...
Harry's DT R - Lots of pictures
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This isn't as good as some peoples on here but it's been pretty interesting sorting it out. I had an 03 DT R back in 2009, loved it but sold it to get a car - big mistake Anyway a few years later I got enough money to afford a bike and a car (well two cars now) so bought it back. Forgot how sought after DTs are aft...
my new DT125 project?
went to pick up another dt125 today, got it for 600 bit of a bodge atm its recently had a rebuild :D and has a dep full system cant wait to get it mint! the geeza had put a mito 125 carb on it? it runs fine after warming up and i had my first go on a dt125! could only get up to second gear but it pulls wheelies like mad...
Dt spindle fit 92 yz forks??
Got me some usd's just wonders if anyone news if the wheels a strait swap?
dtr jim
usd's, single sided swinger, frame chop
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Just thought it was time to share my 89 dt125r retro project. Just a couple of mods Single swinger17 rims Usds 89 frame with chopped sub frame 79 tank mint and unused still in box after 30 years shame to strip and spray it but I hate red. Complete engine rebuild, all new seals and bearings all stainless nut...
03 DTR Partial Rebuild
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So here is the DTR i am collecting on wednessday got it for £700 3 month tax and test here is my shopping list luckily i came into some money so ill be ordering all these on wed just to make sure im ordering the right things heres my list let me know what you think: new plate with yamaha logo front YZ fender Rear...